_DSC05004th IFBDO International Seminar

General Assembly and New Executive Board

Buenos Aires, Argentina – April 22nd– 24th 2014

On April 22nd– 24th, 2014, in Buenos Aires (Argentine) it took place a convention whose main activities were:

–  Meeting of the Latin American National Blood Programs Coordinators;

–  3rd Argentine Blood Donor Day

–  4th IFBDO International Seminar

–  IFBDO General Assembly

It was organized by the Argentine Health Ministry in cooperation with the IFBDO and the PAHO.

It was aimed at the promotion of voluntary non remunerated blood donation, respecting values such as: solidarity, anonymity, altruism and no profit. The participants arrived from all over the world. There were representatives of the IFBDO countries (51 countries), of the Latin American countries (20 countries), together with several Argentinian representatives, actively involved in blood donation.

Furthermore, during this important convention it was celebrated the 50th anniversary of the ADAVSE (The Voluntary Blood Donor Association of the Argentine Army), that was the first Blood Donor Association of the country.

The objectives of this activities were:

–        Define strategies that could support blood donation programs in the governmental agenda;

–        Highlight its ethical, sanitary, political and economic importance;

–        Share several differences and points of view concerning blood donation;

–        Define complementary activities among different countries and/or sectors whose synergy could make it possible to reach new social improvements.

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