Alice Simonetti, from Italy, has been elected President of the IYC, whereas Dimitris Tantsidis from Greece will be the new Secretary for the next three years.
Alice, 25 years old, lives in Ancona (Italy) and works as a trainee lawyer in her home town. She’s a blood donor since 2006 and member of the Italian Youth Committee of AVIS. Dimitris, 27 years old, blood donor and active volunteer since he was 18 years old, comes from Greece but currently lives and works in Switzerland for his postgraduate medical education.

Starting from this mandate, the IYC has the direct support of young Continental Delegates for Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
The African delegate is Saad Belouafi from Morocco, student at the University Mohamed V Rabat – Agdal, blood donor and volunteer with Association Marocaine des Donneurs du Sang (AMDS). Moreover, Morocco will host the 2014 International Youth Forum, held for the second time in Africa after Tunisia 2006.
Rajan Kandel is the Continental Delegate for Asia: from Kathmandu, university student, Rajan is the President of the Club 25 Nepal, cooperating with BLODAN(Blood Donors Association Nepal).
Latin America is represented by Thiago Lacerda, from Salvador de Bahia (Brazil), President of Instituto Sangue é Vida (Blood is Life Institute) since 2010.
Last but not least, Alexandru (Horia) Bugner from Romania is the Continental Delegate for Europe: prior to that, he was the IYC Secretary in the previous mandate and now Secretary general of IFBDO/FIODS

The new Board in the next three years will continue to coordinate the IYC work to support the IFBDO/FIODS Executive Council in affairs concerning young people, to learn and exchange ideas and best practices from each member country and to guide the creation of National Youth Committees.


The 13th International Youth Forum “Blooddonor 2.0: The next generation to give renewed life” took place in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from the 29th August to September 1st. More than 55 young volunteers from 14 FIODS member countries took part in the event, whose program included high-level workshops on new ways of donor recruitment but also an IYC meeting for the renovation of its Board: Alice Simonetti (Italy) has been elected as the new President and Dimitris Tantsidis (Greece) the new Secretary of the International Youth Committee of Fiods. The new Board in the next three years will continue to coordinate the IYC work to support the IFBDO/FIODS Executive Council in affairs concerning young people, to learn and exchange ideas and best practices from each member country and to guide the creation of National Youth Committees.


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