The Honorary President Mr. Gian Franco Massaro, the General Treasurer Miss Valentina Ruccolo and the President/Delegate of the African Continental Committee Mr. Belouafi Farid met with the management of the national blood center (CNTS) of Burkina Faso

The Honorary President Mr. Gian Franco Massaro, the General Treasurer Miss Valentina Ruccolo and the President/Delegate of the African Continental Committee Mr. Belouafi Farid met with the management of the national blood center (CNTS) of Burkina Faso

Important mission in Burkina Faso for IFBDO/FIODS! The Honorary President Mr. Gian Franco Massaro, the General Treasurer Miss Valentina Ruccolo and the President/Delegate of the African Continental Committee Mr. Belouafi Farid met with the management of the national...
Emergency in Morocco

Emergency in Morocco

The IFBDO is close to the Moroccan and Greek people for disasters FIODS está cerca de los pueblos Marroquí y Griego por le catástrofe FIODS est proche des peuples Marocain et Grec pour les désastres qu’ils ont...


Because of the emergency caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic for many aspects unknown , dramatic , and why the whole world is isolated, it is fundamental to feel close and united . It is in crisis situations that the true nature of our society and of people emerges , for...
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